
createSelector is an overloaded function. It can do two things. This section demonstrates creating a selector from a path argument. If you would like to create a dependent selector, see below.

Basic Usage (path selector)

If you pass only a single argument, createSelector will return a selector function. Under the hood, your arguments are passed to createStateSelector, which will convert path arguments into selectors.

You can a basic example below. Notice that the path string '' is converted into a selector function that will return the correct value from the state.

import { createSelector } '@comfy/redux-selectors'

export const selectOne = createSelector('')
export const selectTotal = createSelector(
  (one, two) => one + two

// ---

const state = {
  section: {
    one: 1,
    two: 2

selectOne(state) // => 1

Note: Passing a function simply returns that function unaltered. Passing several selectors is a special form which collects the results of each selector and passes them to a results function.

createSelector(...selectors, resultsFunc)

If you pass two or more arguments to createSelector it will create a memoized dependent selector. The last argument is expected to be a results function, which will receive the values returned by all of the other selectors.

Basic Usage (dependent selector)

Below you can see an example where two selectors are fed to a results function which adds them together. Notice that selectOne is a function and 'section.two' is a path. Paths are converted to selectors for you. The last function is a results function. You can see that it receives two arguments, one for each selector. The value returned by the results function is memoized and returned.

import { createSelector } '@comfy/redux-selectors'

export const selectOne = createSelector('')
export const selectTotal = createSelector(
  (one, two) => one + two

// ---

const state = {
  section: {
    one: 1,
    two: 2

selectTotal(state) // => 3

results matching ""

    powered by

    No results matching ""