
This function create a requestCreator that maps actions to request creator functions based on action type. A request creator function creates Requests.

At a minimum your fetchAction function needs to have a requestCreator. The handleRequestCreatorActions function creates a handler that maps action types to request creator functions.

Note: request creators happen before fetch.


import createFetchAction, { handleRequestCreatorActions } from 'fetch-actions'
import FETCH_POSTS from '../modules/reddit/constants'
import 'fetch-everywhere'

// use the action to create a proper fetch Request
// @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Request/Request
const fetchPostsRequestCreator = action => new Request(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${action.payload}.json`)

// map our action constants to our request creators
const requestCreator = handleRequestCreatorActions({
  [FETCH_POSTS]: fetchPostsRequestCreator

// add our creator to fetchAction
const fetchAction = createFetchAction({
  // <-- add other handlers here

export fetchAction

Request creator functions

A request creator function receives an action (should contain a type) and returns a Request.

// identity request creator
const requestCreator = (action) => new Request()

Example: GET

const getPosts = action => new Request(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${action.payload}.json`)

Example: POST

The following example won't work unless you are following the reddit API rules.

const createComment = action => {
  const body = JSON.stringify(action.payload)

  const headers = new Headers()
  headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json')

  const init = {
    method: 'POST', // <-- we're setting the method to POST

  return new Request('https://www.reddit.com/api/comment', init)


There is a hidden feature, allowing you to specify the default request creator to be called if no matching creators are found. If you do not define a default request creator and no matching creators are found, the identity creator will be used.

import createFetchAction, {
  DEFAULT_REQUEST_CREATOR // <-- import the constant
} from 'fetch-actions'
import FETCH_POSTS from '../modules/reddit/constants'
import 'fetch-everywhere'

const fetchPostsRequestCreator = action => new Request(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${action.payload}.json`)

const requestCreator = handleRequestCreatorActions({
  [FETCH_POSTS]: fetchPostsRequestCreator,

  // by default, make a request to example.com
  [DEFAULT_REQUEST_CREATOR]: action => new Request('https://example.com')

const fetchAction = createFetchAction({

fetchAction({ type: 'BOGUS_ACTION' }) // --> makes a request to example.com
fetchAction({ type: FETCH_POSTS, payload: 'reactjs' }) // --> makes a request to reddit.com

results matching ""

    No results matching ""