This is the most common type of handler besides a requestCreator. A transformer receives JSON from the Response.json()
of the fetch call and is expected to return a data object in a format your application is expecting. Transformers help with normalizing API responses and can protect against changes in API responses. You can greatly simplify your reducers by transforming API responses to matchthe needs of your application.
Note: transformers happen after fetch and after responseHandlers.
import createFetchAction, { handleTransformerActions } from 'fetch-actions'
import FETCH_POSTS from '../modules/reddit/constants'
import 'fetch-everywhere'
const transformer = handleTransformerActions({
[FETCH_POSTS]: (json, action) => {
// transform a json response into data
const data = {
id: json.somePath.id, // <-- pull values from weird places
attributes: {
fullName: `${json.firstName}, ${json.lastName}`, // <-- glue values together
return data // <-- return the data
const fetchAction = createFetchAction({
// <-- add other handlers here
export fetchAction
Example: reddit
import createFetchAction, { handleRequestCreatorActions, handleTransformerActions } from 'fetch-actions'
import FETCH_POSTS from '../modules/reddit/constants'
import 'fetch-everywhere'
const requestCreator = handleRequestCreatorActions({
[FETCH_POSTS]: action => new Request(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${action.payload}.json`)
// we need a transformer
const transformer = handleTransformerActions({
[FETCH_POSTS]: (json, action) => ({
posts: json.data.children.map(child => child.data),
receivedAt: Date.now()
const fetchAction = createFetchAction({
// now it resolves to our transformed data
fetchAction({ type: FETCH_POSTS, payload: 'reactjs' }).then(data => {
console.log(data.posts) // --> an array of posts
console.log(data.receivedAt) // --> a timestamp