
This function create a responseHandler that maps actions to response handler functions based on action type.

You don't normally need a responseHandler unless you need to handle API errors or otherwise deal directly with the Response object. If you are simply trying to transform the JSON response, use a transformer instead.

You might use a response handler to:

  • handle legitimate API errors
  • log responses
  • inspect responses

Note: response handlers happen after fetch (or after responders).

responseHandlers versus responders

The names are somewhat confusing but a responseHandler handles responses while a responder creates them. You would normally use a responseHandler to read fetch Response objects. If you are trying to create response objects, try responders.

The full flow of a fetchAction call looks like this:

  1. requestCreator — creates a Request
  2. responder or fetch — creates a Response
  3. responseHandler — receives a Response; must return a Response
  4. transformer — receives the Response.json(); should return a JavaScript object
  5. fatalHandler — receives thrown errors.


import createFetchAction, { handleResponseActions } from 'fetch-actions'
import FETCH_POSTS from '../modules/reddit/constants'
import 'fetch-everywhere'

const responseHandler = handleResponseActions({
  [FETCH_POSTS]: (response, action) => { // <-- receive a response
    // you can log responses or inspect them
    console.log({ response, action })
    return response // <-- return the response (or a new one)

const fetchAction = createFetchAction({
  // <-- add other handlers here

export fetchAction

Example: errors

import createFetchAction, { handleRequestCreatorActions, handleResponseActions } from 'fetch-actions'
import FETCH_POSTS from '../modules/reddit/constants'
import 'fetch-everywhere'

const requestCreator = handleRequestCreatorActions({
  [FETCH_POSTS]: action => new Request(`https://www.reddit.com/r/${action.payload}.json`)

const responseHandler = handleResponseActions({
  [FETCH_POSTS]: (response, action) => {
    // intercept responses that are not 200
    if (!response.ok) {
      return new Response(JSON.stringify({
        errors: [
            status: response.status,
            title: response.statusText,
            detail: 'Whoops! Something was *not* ok.'

    // pass the response by default
    return response

const fetchAction = createFetchAction({

fetchAction({ type: FETCH_POSTS, payload: 'reactjs' }) // --> status 200, resolves to actual response
fetchAction({ type: FETCH_POSTS, payload: 'bogus' }) // --> status 403, resolves to error response

results matching ""

    No results matching ""